Polish Journal of English Studies is a peer-reviewed journal for scholars working in the literature and culture in English, as well as theoretical and applied linguistics.


2.1 (2016)


Editorial (5)

The problem of Cross-dressing in Ælfric’s Life of St Eugenia (7)

Jacek Olesiejko, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań

E. M. Forster and the English Ways of Ex(Sup)pressing Emotions (27)

Krzysztof Fordoński, University of Warsaw

Doris Lessing’s Narrative Technique as a Means of Artistic Creation of the World of Conflict and Reconciliation in The Memoirs of a Survivor (39)

Mira Czarnecka

Written On the Male Body. A. Hollinghurst’s The Swimming-Pool Library (57)

Marcin Sroczyński, University of Warsaw

Cognitive Sciences and Iain Banks’s Novels The Wasp Factory and Use of Weapons (71)

Katarzyna Fetlińska, University of Warsaw

Review: Neil Brenner (ed.), 2013. Implosions/Explosions. Towards a Study of Planetary Urbanization (89)

Ewa Kębłowska-Ławniczak, University of Wrocław

Multiculturalism and Multilingualism are not passé! PASE 2016 International Conference (97)

Calls for Papers (103)

Authors’ Biodata (109)

Information for Contributors (111)

Full Issue