Polish Journal of English Studies is a peer-reviewed journal for scholars working in the literature and culture in English, as well as theoretical and applied linguistics.


2.2 (2016)


From the Editor (5)

The Strategy of Indirect Approach: Centre and Periphery in Fiction about the First World War (7)

Paweł Stachura, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań

The Participation of Greece (Hellas) in the First World War: Literary Representation (25)

Konstantinos D. Karatzas, University of Zaragoza

Divided Loyalties: Cultural Conflicts in the Nation & Detroit in America’s WW1 Era (41)

John Dean, University of Versailles

A Polish Voice from the Depths of an International Conflict: Wartime Writings by Witold Hulewicz (87)

Martyna Kliks

The Specters of the Mendi: An Attempt at South African Hauntology (99)

Natalia Stachura

Authors’ Biodata (121)

Full Issue