9.2 (2023)
Ageing into Old Age: Literary Conclusions and New Beginnings (7)
Katarzyna Bronk-Bacon, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań
Ann Radcliffe’s Ruminations on the Ageing Body in The Romance of the Forest (1791) (13)
Roslyn Joy Irving, Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University, University of Liverpool,
and Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz
Conserving/Confronting the Past: The Roles of Letters and Aging in Society in The Touchstone and The Aspern Papers (26)
Joy E. Morrow, Southern Methodist University, Dallas, Texas
“Now to Sum Up”: Old Age as the Privileged Vantage Point of Narration in the Final Chapter of Virginia Woolf’s The Waves (40)
Nina Eldridge, CLIMAS (Cultures et Littératures des Mondes Anglophones),
Bordeaux Montaigne University, France
“The Gallantry of the Aging Machine”: Ernest Hemingway’s Colonel Cantwell and Masculine Aging in Modernist Literature (57)
Lisa Tyler, Sinclair College, Dayton, Ohio
Guardians of the Truth: The Elderly in Agatha Christie’s Detective Fiction (77)
Marie Voždová, Palacký University, Czech Republic
“Mean and Shabby and Wrinkled”: The Experience of Middle Age in American Hard-Boiled Detective Fiction (93)
Alexander N. Howe, University of the District of Columbia
“When I’m 73 and in Constant Good Tumour”: Poetic Responses to Ageing from Jenny Joseph to Fleur Adcock (108)
Lorenz Hindrichsen, Copenhagen International School
Aging as an Epistemology of Sustainability: Reimagined Designs in Toni Morrison’s Paradise (128)
Majda Atieh, Department of English, Sultan Qaboos University, Sultanate of Oman
Constructing Centenarianism in Neenah Ellis’ If I Live to be 100: Lessons from the Centenarians (150)
Julia Velten, Johannes Gutenberg University, Meinz
The Other within Me: The Existential Ambiguity of Old Age in Mrs Palfrey at the Claremont by Elizabeth Taylor and Elizabeth Is Missing by Emma Healey (166)
Anna Orzechowska, Academy of Finance and Business Vistula, Warsaw
31st Conference of the Polish Association for the Study of English: Communicative 3Ms: Modes, Mediums, Modalities (30th June – 2nd July 2023, Olsztyn) (183)
Ewa Kujawska-Lis, University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn, Poland
Authors’ Biodata (196)
Information for Contributors (199)
Publication Ethics and Publication Malpractice Statement (203)
Open Access Statement (207)
Full Issue